Saturday, December 26, 2009


This is really the worst christmas i have ever had.Everything is so messy and confusing.I understand what did you say, but I'm sorry.I can't really make it because it is not easy for me.I wish that you'll have better life ,better friends and better girl in the coming 2010.and I hope that you're happy with the decision we'v made.Take friend.Miss you

Friday, December 25, 2009


Why did it happen..?How does it start?I have no idea about it at all.Why...My Christmas is really miserable!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009


after the whole month of family and i went for a trip in RasaRia Resort.and i didn't know there is such a nice place in sabah.everything is great.the room, the beach, the watersports, the view and of course the dinner and the breakfast.too bad it was only 2 days.hahahahhaha..

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


昨天,姐约我一起参与教堂老人院的探访。这让我想起上一次, 我们一大班5C为了那份无聊moral project, 到那里探访,准备了礼物,节目,还有一大堆有的没的..
到了那里,搞笑的是,你会先看到一个很大很宽的池塘,里面住着可爱的青苔姐姐和虫虫大哥,静止的水里,当然也住着很多讨人爱的蚊虫宝宝啦, 想必是为了维护大自然生态吧?真是用心良苦啊。进去过后,妈的,我的心真是酸到了一个程度,那间狗屁老人院里住的人,到底是怎么生活的,如果是我,我应该已经疯了。你不会知道原来里面的生活是那么的‘美好’。到了那里抬头一望,就会看到有块向天空一样大的一个牌表,写着在里面住的老人的状况和种族 ,我是到那里才知道,我们华族几千年来所传承的美德有多好,华人多 ‘孝顺’呀!妈的,别说一半,大部分在那里住的老人都是华裔。亏这些炎黄子弟,还自称有多伟大,多有品德啊~根本是在睁大眼睛说瞎话~撇下这个不说,最恐怖的竟然是, 在里面,无论你正常与否,你还是和大家住在一起,换句话说,就是你和疯子住在一起,再换句话说,物以类聚,岂不是你也是被视为疯子的人?我真不懂那里是什么狗屁地方。换作是我,我应该也会在这个大同世界里,跟着一起疯吧?与这些疯子一起和睦共处的感觉应该不错吧?再来,在帮忙清理的当儿,你会发现,在那里的清洁指数不会超过十,我感谢里面还有一两个友族同胞在里面热心服务,照顾这些老人。

Monday, January 26, 2009

happy new year!

Happy new year to everyone..i'm so happy that it is holiday now..but i'm still worry about my school chinese new year celebration that is held by my chinese association..i am in the rush because we have to present on 6th of Feb..11 days from now..but it is do i manage to plan and practise for all the performance in time?plus..there is a new pork is leading all of us..that's why everything mess up..she ah..such a monster..just know how to scold the students by using her duckling mouth..goodness..wish me luck to have good leadership to be a president..and the show can be held successfully!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

time to leave..

this is the sixth day i've came back from's time to return to my boring teachers are getting older and older..rules are getting more and more..all my friends are getting prettier and fatter..and it makes me think of..i'm 17 already!!oh my goodness..the time passed so fast until i didn't realize that it's time for me to think about my future..the time i went toKL,i saw many things that i couldn't believe..the school i went to, is a place for teenagers to achieve their dreams to become stars..i mean singers,artists n etc..i'm shocked because all of the students there are talented..they know how to sing,dance,compose,play music instruments,and so on..but i don't understand why are they still here and can't achieve their wonderful dreams..and i's not easy to 'survive' in it..some of the 'boss' will not care whether they are talented or not..instead,the 'face' are more important than the talent..their look will decide their next step..and chinese used to say the 'luck' will come when it's time..i always believe in will don't have to search for it..the more you want it,the more you can't get sister is a pretty who loves to sing since she was 4 years old..she has been working very hard in her singing skills,piano playing,etc..she always perform on the stage to build up her popularity..guess what..she got in the ASQ when she was 19..after the contest is ended,she went to the music school that she wanted..and now..she's coming back for 'LCCI'..a study of accountancy..what is the reason?i guess all of you know it..isn't it?